Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Another episode Another day waiting in the ER

Well the headache came back about 4 days ago. I am now seeing trails out of my peripheal vision, flashing black and white spots, and really blurred vision. I am having trouble coming up with words again and keep stuttering. My right leg keep wiggin out by shaking and it is taking me a mintue to lift my leg to make it stop. My left arm is swelling from the elbow down. It hurts so bad that I wish I could just make it stop some how.
What really sucks is sitting in the waiting and hearing people complain that they have been 24, 36, or 48 hours waiting to be seen. Most of these people would have gotten much faster, friendlier care is there was an urgent care here. My problem is these nurses and doctors think, "Oh this patient only has a headache." Which winds up placing me very low on the list to be seen. This is not even mentioning that fact this hospital is a trauma center as well. So everytime a trauma comes in I get moved further down the list.
I have been doing research on my own to see what could possibly be causing all these symptoms and flare ups to happen in the short amount of time. Well my research paid off hopefully. After reading a few articles and forums I figured out that between March and April  I was on 3 or 4 rounds of antibiotics for a kidney infection, a cyst that needed to lanced, and for what the doctors thought was a sinus infection. Well aparently when you have Antiphospholipid Syndrome and you take Amoxicillin it makes your body produce even more antiboides. So with even more antibodies in your system what is going to happen? Well lets you will most likely suffer through severe flare up where your normal symptoms of fatigue, joint, muscle, and bone pain, the rash on the skin and the face, the lack of healing, and the increase of clotting or bleeding. So I have suffered all of these in which I would consider to be the worst I've experienced. Add to all that the Pseudotumor Celebri (excess spinal fluid on the brain).
I love the way the neurologist has his mind made up that my headaches and pseudotumor celebri are caused by the fact that i am 65 over weight. He will not accept the fact that this is a known complication of Antiphospholipid Syndrome. I really just wish sometime that I could shake doctors until they understand what I am talking about. And I am already shady about these doctors and it grows stronger everytime I have to deal with an ignorant doctor who refuses to listen.
It is really gettting to me that the nurses don't much if not anything at all about the disease so they can't prioritize me in the correct manner. So I sit here on my laptop writing my blog with my ER bag next to me full of things to keep my busy while I wait. It is so sad that health care has to be this way. I think what makes this even more frustrating is the other hospital I would normally go to doesn't have a neurologist on staff for the ER department. And the other hospital that I would go to only if I was unconscious and couldn't protest because instead of treating of the patient they make assumptions and label you without listening. They are ignorant and pigheaded with no sense of compassion, bed side manner, willingness to have you explain what is going on in your own body.
I had to have my mom call the doctor and charge nurse to find out what is going on. The charge nurse in the ER told my mother that Pseudotumor Celebri (spinal fluid build up on the brain) is a serious problem and that he will get my chart and see what he can do to help get me seen faster. Well Lets see if that helps. It is really sad that a person has to be so aggressive with nurses and doctors to receive the care they need.
I was watching a show the other night about how much prescription drug abuse is on the rise. Well yea its on the rise. Everytime someone goes to an ER the first thing the doctor does is have an IV started on the patient so they can admister the narcotics and then the doctors will discharge a person with a prescription for more. Doctors have gone from being the person you go to for help with medical issues to either being your drug dealer or someone that doesn't listen, doesn't have bed side manner, and isn't updated on the latest research or new diseases that are being discovered so they become your very own Labeler! They can slap a label on your chart in the snap of a finger leaving you to deal with the reprocussion of the situation which then turns into an even bigger obstecle for you cross to be treated properly for your illness.
As you can see I am so very frustrated with our health care system.

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